Julie Turner is a self-taught fibre artist, with a passion for Ryeland sheep and their wool. With a BA Hons degree in Youth and Community Development and a City & Guilds qualification in Teaching Adult Learners, Julie is well practised in delivering formal and informal education to a wide range of individuals and groups.
Contact Julie to book a workshop for your group, for more information or to discuss your requirements.

Workshop -Introduction to felting
6 hour workshop. All materials provided.
In this workshop students will use merino and/or blue faced Leicester tops to learn the basic techniques of 2D and 3D needle- felting as well as 2D wet- felting using a no-rolling technique. Students will be shown and participate in each technique with time available to further develop or return to a technique. Each student will take home at least 3 items they have made. A Babylock12 needle embellishing machine will be demonstrated and available for students to try.
Option to purchase and take home tools at a nominal charge on the day.
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your organisation, group, or just for you and some friends, please contact TurnAcre to discuss dates, costs and arrangements.
"As a felting novice, it was ideally pitched for me, and I’d thoroughly recommend the day." Catherine Davies

Workshop -Needle felt a miniature Ryeland sheep
2.5 hour workshop. All materials provided.
Using authentic Ryeland/coloured Ryeland fleece, students will learn the art of making a wire armature around which they will layer and sculpt the fibres using only a barbed needle and their hands. Students will make and take home a miniature Ryeland sheep which shows off some of the breed standards including a strong broad neck, well set smooth shoulders, a broad fairly deep chest and a straight back, level from the base of the neck to the setting of the tail.
Option to purchase and take home tools at a nominal charge on the day.
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your organisation, group, or just for you and some friends, please contact TurnAcre to discuss dates, costs and arrange

Individual spinning lessons
Tailored 1-to-1 spinning lessons are available to suit your needs - drop spindling or lessons on your spinning wheel and/or my 1970s Ashford Traditional double treadle wheel.
Do you need to know the basics?
Have you just starting spinning, got a wheel and don’t know how it works?
Do you need a refresher, or want to know how to create art/funky yarn?
Get in touch with me to discuss your requirements.
The following are comments from customers who had acquired vintage spinning wheels and have had1-to-1 lessons with TurnAcre.
"Julie's spinning lesson was really helpful. I tried to teach myself without much success. By the end of the lesson with Julie I was able to spin. Thanks Julie" - Jean Hindley
"Having never spun before, within a couple of hours, I had spun my first skein of yarn and it was so much easier than trying to follow online tutorials" Liz Barraclough
Workshop - Learn to spin on a drop spindle
Drop spindles offer an affordable and portable way to spin your own yarn. In this workshop you will learn the skills of choosing and preparing fibre ready for spinning, then drafting, spinning and plying the fibre before finishing the yarn ready to use in your chosen project. Learning these skills will give you confidence to try, and with practice, use a variety of drop spindles and fibres.
2.5 hour workshop. All materials provided. Drop spindles and fibre will be available for you to purchase to take home so that you can continue with this fascinating craft.
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your organisation, group, or just for you and some friends, please contact TurnAcre to discuss dates, costs and arrangements.

Wet-felt your house picture.
Adult and child age 8+ workshop.
This workshop introduces students to 2D wet felting using a no rolling technique. Using dyed felt tops learners can choose the coloured fibres which they wish to use, either traditional –you can bring a picture of your house to copy, or alternative – your imagination has no limits. After being shown the techniques to create a 2D wet-felt picture adult and child will enjoy the visual and sensory aspects of this fun technique - choosing colours, feeling fibres, swishing soap, pouring water and the magic throwing to bring it all together.
Each parent/child combination will take away a completed A3 size approx piece of 2D wet-felting. Each child must be partnered in the workshop with a responsible adult. We will be working with water and your child may get wet, bringing spare dry clothing may be advisable.
2.5 hour workshop. All materials are provided. Some of the detail on the picture is not added in this workshop (washing,writing) as they were needle felted on after the piece had dried.
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your organisation, group, or just for you and some friends, please contact TurnAcre to discuss dates, costs and arrangements.
Workshop – Weave a Wild Wall-hanging
This workshop is also available as an adult + child age 5+ session
Do you find ‘treasures’ while out walking? Pretty stones, a leaf or twig that looks like something else, horse tail or sheep fleece stuck on a wire fence, a feather, a rusty bottle top or nail?
Do these ‘treasures’ find their way into your pocket? Are they destined to sit on a shelf waiting for inspiration on what to do with them?
If so this workshop is for you. Using natural resources you will learn how to make your own frame and weaving loom. Learn basic weaving and embroidery techniques to create a unique and personal wild, woven wall-hanging for you to display and enjoy your found ‘treasures’.
All natural base fibres and yarns are provided, your finished piece will be approx 25cm by 40cm and can hang in any direction, please bear this size in mind when choosing a few of your ‘treasures’ to bring with you. There will be some of my ‘treasures’ available for students to use also.
2.5 hour adult only workshop. All materials provided. Students should bring their own ‘treasures’ for incorporation in the piece.
1.5 hour Adult and child 5+ workshop. Using a pre-made loom and frame students learn basic weaving and embroidery techniques to create a unique and personal wild, woven wall-hanging. Students should bring their own ‘treasures’ for incorporation in the piece. Each parent/child combination will take away 1 completed wild, woven wall-hanging. Each child must be partnered in the workshop with a responsible adult.
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your organisation, group, or just for you and some friends, please contact TurnAcre to discuss dates, costs and arrangements.

Schools/youth groups/colleges/universities
Age appropriate learning and craft activities with hands on real sheep demonstations and 'touch pen' activities are available and can be tailored to suit your needs.