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"Julie took us on the fascinating journey of how she learned to use the fleece from her own flock of sheep, all the way from the shearing to the wearing of garments knitted from wool that she has spun herself. With her lovely friendly manner and sense of humour, we had a hugely enjoyable time listening to her talking us through several improbably named pieces of equipment along the way. " Halifax Embroiderers Guild

Talk -Sheep family


A 1 hour talk/visual experience


Find out how our family got involved with the sheep world.

The story of our journey from the first sheep to the current day is told, using visual aids (not slides) to enhance the tale and engage the audience. Hear and see how these beautiful creatures have drawn the whole family into their world through the delivery of an exciting, often humorous tale. Have you ever wondered why some sheep have pretty colours painted on their backs, or why 5th November is significant in the sheep world?  What are a gimmer, a hoggett, a drench and a tip? Did you know that sheep have coats? (I don’t mean their fleeces, but real coats). All these questions and more will be revealed.


Talk - Wool – a Back to Back Journey


1 hour audio/visual/sensory experience


Listen, see and feel how and why Ryeland fleece is so wonderful. From the first sheep a creative flow was born which developed and grew into a passion for Ryeland fleece. This is my story, from starting to spin on a drop spindle, through spinning on a wheel,  to selling hand- spun yarn internationally. I show, explain, name and demonstrate the multiple tools available to the fibre artist, including a picker, a diz and a lazy Kate. Spinning, weaving, and felting techniques are discussed. I demonstrate, describe and share the processes needed to take fleece from the sheep’s back through to being worn on a human’s back.  An informative, often humorous audio, visual and sensory experience.



Talk -The sheep journey


1 hour audio/visual/sensory experience


A condensed version of the “Sheep Family” and “Wool - a Back to Back Journey” talks. This is an overview of our experiences and will give a feel for why Ryeland sheep are loved by our family. Selected information, visual aids and demonstrations are delivered in an informative, often humorous and entertaining way.

Schools/youth groups/colleges/universities


Age appropriate learning and craft activities with hands on real sheep demonstations and woolly activities are available and can be tailored to suit your needs.

Talks - booking and costs


Each 1 hour talk costs £80 plus fuel and accomodation costs if required. There is an option to bring some of our Ryeland sheep to the venue providing a suitable outside area is available and other legal/husbandry requirements are met (extra time and charges apply). A small selection of products made from the sheep fleeces will be available to purchase before/after the talk.

Please contact TurnAcre to discuss and book a talk.



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